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Introduction to altmetrics - for Research Postgraduates and University Staff

This session forms part of the Reading Researcher Development Programme (RRDP) for Research Postgraduates, and is also available to University Staff.

Alternative metrics, or Altmetrics, can measure the reach and impact of yourresearch articles by measuring social media attention such as Twitter activity,Facebook likes, blog posts and Wikipedia entries. Find out how to use AltmetricExplorer to keep up-to-date with the trending papers in your field and also trackattention to your own research outputs. Discover the difference you can make tothe reach of your research papers by blogging, Tweeting and sharing yourresearch online. This session will include hands-on training with Altmetric Explorer.

If you are a Research Postgraduate, please book your place through Reading's Student Information System (RISIS). The timetable can be viewed on the RRDP webpage in the 'Things to do now' section. You can also view a full timetable in the Doctoral and Researcher College site on Blackboard.

If you are University Staff, please book your place via UoRLearn.

Thursday 30 January 2025
10:00 - 12:00
Karen Rowlett
  Research postgraduates     Staff  
  Research Engagement workshop     RRDP workshop  

Event Organizer

Sophie Dorman

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