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Writing a data management plan - for University staff

Many public funders of research require researchers to submit a data management plan (DMP) as part of a grant application, detailing what data will be collected in the proposed project, how data will be managed, and how and where data will be preserved and made available to others when the project concludes. Whether a funder requires it or not, if you use data in your research, you should have a DMP for your project. Writing a DMP can help you plan and execute research effectively, curate data for maximum utility, identify and manage risks, and ensure resource needs are appropriately costed. This 2 hour course will offer practical guidance on developing an effective DMP for a grant application, and how to make best use of a DMP in your day to day research. Information about data management planning tools and resources to help you will be provided.

Please book your place via UoRLearn.

Wednesday 13 November 2024
14:00 - 16:00
Robert Darby
  Research Engagement workshop  

Event Organizer

Sophie Dorman

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